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We have evolved!

After the fantastic success of the Bristol Learning Community pilot, we're delighted to announce that from after the April break we'll be offering a full15 hour a week programme of self-directed and consent-based learning for home educated 10-16 year olds, in St Werburghs, Bristol.

The programme will be offered as part of our sister learning community The Garden. We will be building on the goal setting from Self Managed Learning and blending this with the collaborative project management of Agile learning tools, as well as the transformative justice approach to conflict and consensus decision making that characterises The Garden. You can learn more about these aspects of the programme here.

We have a very limited number of places available for our intake on 26th April and the next opportunity to join the programme will be in September, though all school aged young people can join The Garden at any time. Please get in touch if you'd like to find out more or apply for a place.

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